After several months and some fancy footwork to find a replacement for me at church, I was finally able to make it home to visit my parents in Minnesota. They started renovations on the house earlier this year and while I'd seen some pictures of it in-progress, Mom wouldn't show me the final result unless it was in person. So of course I had to take pictures of it myself (as well as the dogs!); what better subjects to practice my picture-taking skills on? :-)
My room
Just to break things up a bit...Bucky's posing for the cover of Dog Fancy....
My room again
Dog pile on my bed :-)
My Bandie <3
Sweet Bucky. These moments are few and far between with this one!
The theme in my group this week at work was pumpkins. I had had the kids all bring their own pumpkins and mid-week I gave them paints and brushes and let them have at it. Friday, we carved our biggest pumpkin and I let those who were brave enough play with the pumpkin's innards. Carving a pumpkin with 8 3 year olds standing around you is kind of nerve-wracking, especially when they start trying to touch the pumpkin, but we were all very excited about our classic Jack 'O Lantern and an afternoon photo session ensued :-)
I started by calling them over 1 or 2 at a time, but eventually everyone wanted to get in on the action and so chaos ensued for a while. Funny how 2 and 3 year olds don't understand the concept of walking in front of the camera.... :-)
I would like this shot even more if it wasn't blurry....
Sam came to visit for a couple days this week. She started with us as an infant 7 years ago and is now in 1st grade! How the time has flown by! And Miss Sam is turning out to be a pretty neat kid :-)
Sam with baby sister Emerson. Em is Sammie's twin, 6 years later. While the little lady is the spittin' image of her older sister, her personality is a lot more fiery than Sam's. This was the only shot I got of the two of them together where Em wasn't a blur of movement :-D
Thanks to the amazing generosity of my parents, I am now the proud owner of a brand new camera; the kind I've dreamed of having for quite awhile now. While my Sony was a great camera in it's own right, there were just certain things it couldn't do. After only 5 days with the Canon, I still have a lot to learn, but I am so pleased with how the majority of my pictures turn out. Here's a sample of some pictures I took at work yesterday while the kids were playing outside. It wasn't the most gorgeous of days but we take what we can get!
Doesn't he look sweet?
Mom needs to get this one into modeling. What a photogenic little girl!